Dental Implants

Dallas, TX Dental Implants - Dallas Dental Specialists - Dental Implant Process

In the past, there weren’t many options for replacing a missing tooth or teeth. Usually, replacing a missing tooth or teeth involved wearing a removable prosthesis, or shaving down teeth adjacent to the gap and placing a fixed bridge. As modern implant dentistry has evolved, however, dental implants can now be used to fill in missing tooth space without making modifications to other teeth. If you’re considering dental implants in Dallas, TX , please contact Dallas Dental Specialists to discuss your options with you.

Reasons to consider dental implants:

• To replace one or more missing teeth without affecting adjacent teeth.
• Dental implants can sometimes resolve joint pain or bite problems caused by teeth shifting into missing tooth space.
• To restore a patient’s confident smile.
• To restore normal chewing, speech, and digestion.
• To restore or enhance facial tissues.
• To support a bridge or denture, making them more secure and comfortable.
• If you need to replace missing teeth or a single tooth, implants are a stable, permanent solution.

Dental Implant Process

 The first step in the dental implants process is to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. To do this, our Dallas, TX dentists examine the site where the implant will be placed to determine if your jaw bone has adequate bone integrity to accept the implant.

. During the healing process, the implant integrates with the jaw bone through a process called osseointegration. When the implant is stable, a permanent crown is attached to the custom-made abutment on top of the dental implant.

The length of time to complete the dental implant process will vary depending on bone integrity, other procedures needed before the implant is placed, and how many teeth are being replaced.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of dental implants depends on several factors including the number of teeth being replaced and the number of dental implants required to support your replacement teeth. Additionally, some procedures may be required before the dental implant is placed to ensure the longevity of your dental implants. To obtain a specific estimate, it’s best to have Dr. Milenbaugh examine your situation. 

How do I care for my dental implants?

Dental implants function like normal teeth and must be checked regularly, just like your natural teeth. Brush and floss as recommend by your dentist or dental hygienist. See your East Dallas/Lakewood, TX dentist in six months, or more frequently if advised.

If you have questions about dental implants in Dallas, TX, or if you would like to request an appointment, please contact us today! We look forward to your visit.